About DIYDriftwood.com
The purpose behind the creation of DIYDriftwood.com was to collect and share knowledge amongst fellow artisans, skilled craftspeople and enthusiastic DIYers who share the same interest and appreciation of the beauty in driftwood.
The creation of the DIYDriftwood.com website came about after noticing high end stores like Ballard Designs and Restoration Hardware featuring wood furniture with gorgeous driftwood like weathered finishes. I knew right away that I wanted to recreate that weathered look without spending lots of money and thus began my research.
About Driftwood Weathering Wood Finish
Our Driftwood Weathering Wood Finish, Weathering Wax and Driftwood Liming Wax, are meant to give customers several options to achieve a weathered look at a fraction of the cost. At $12.99, the Driftwood Weathering Wood Finish is a great eco-friendly gift, gift for crafters and especially DIYers as well as a great gift for mom or dad under $15 dollars.
About Me
I came to Florida in order to attend the Art Institute for advertising design. Later, I went on to get an education in marketing, graphics and web design. And I have happily followed this career path for many years.
The majority of my life has been doing the marketing, graphics and web designs for others. I desperately wanted to be in charge of my own destiny. It was time to start my own business and use my skills for my own benefit. Now, I’m the one who is responsible for it all. I get to make all the decisions about the website, graphics, advertising, marketing, and most important, customer satisfaction.
And, while I don’t much care for Twitter or Facebook, I am somewhat of a Pinaholic. It’s amazing the wealth of talented people and the abundance of creativity on Pinterest. You’ll find the DIYDriftwood Pinterest Boards are dedicated to driftwood but I confess I have a hidden board where I’ve pinned some great ideas for projects I have already done and more I hope to do in the future.
Future Projects
I hope you enjoy the DIYDriftwood website and I am dedicated to making it grow and sharing as much knowledge as I can gather on all things driftwood as well as a few related blogs along the way.
And for those wondering about the little cartoons here and there on the site, I do enjoy using watercolor pencils and thought they might add a little fun to the site. Initially, I just did pet sitting for friends and they were the inspiration for the ever curious felines depicted in the cartoons but I have since adopted “Bella” from the Humane Society and she is now my creative muse.